to the New Zealand Society of Dowsing and Radionics Inc.
1955-2025 = 70 YEARS
Yes, on the 28th of June in 1955 we began. Initially entitled ‘THE HERBERT GEORGE RADIESTHESIA ASSOCIATION’ and of course after a few changes to bring us to our present title of THE NEW ZEALAND SOCIETY OF DOWSING & RADIONICS INCORPORATED.
This journal brings you a selection of articles by our own New Zealand dowsers from the 1960s.
The wealth of knowledge that our Society has embraced and continues to embrace is amazing.
is Dowsing?
dowse is to search, with the aid of simple hand held tools
or instruments, for that which is otherwise hidden from view
or knowledge. It can be applied to searches for a great number
of artefacts and entities. It is most commonly known by most
people in association with searching for underground water;
not surprising considering the absolute need for water by man
and his animals and cultivated plants which sustain him.
is less readily known is that dowsing can be also used for
searching for other underground features such as archaeological
remains, cavities and tunnels, oil, veins of mineral ore, underground
building services, missing items and occasionally missing persons.

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